Lawn Fungus Control

We are committed to getting rid of your fungus problem fast!

Fungus Destroying Your Lawn?

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(During business hours)

No more lawns lost to fungus!

We've spent the last 20+ years helping customers like you get rid of lawn fungus.
  • We understand how it feels to struggle with keeping your lawn healthy during warm, wet seasons.
  • We know that fungus can take out an entire lawn very quickly if not taken care of early, so we are responsive when we confirm you have a fungus.
  • Our fungus control program has helped thousands of customers get rid of fungus issues on their lawns and keep them healthy.

    Picture to the Right is Dollar Spot Fungus, primarily found on warm-season turf like Bermuda
lawn fungus top turf

– –  Fungus can take over your lawn in just days!  – –

Lawn fungus can be a major problem and destroy your lawn quickly. That's where we come in.

Top Turf Lawn Fungus Program Highlights–

  • Ongoing applications of contact and systemic fungicides during fungus season
  • Treatments are applied at a preventive rate on a timely basis throughout the fungus season.
  • These lawn fungus treatments, along with proper watering and mowing practices, will drastically reduce the possibility of your turf being damaged being by fungus and diseases.


Picture to the Left is Brown Patch Fungus Primarily found on cool-season turf like Tall Fescue
brown patch fungus 2

– –  Lawn Fungus Control Program  – –

No more worries... here's what to expect!

Treatments Every

21-28 Days

Custom Fungicide Plan

We know that each lawn can have a unique problem. This is why we will tailor your fungicide program by the type of grass you have and the type of fungus disease present.

Ongoing Applications

Our program includes ongoing applications during fungus season, including both contact and systemic fungicides. The treatments are applied at a preventive rate throughout the fungus season.

Preventive Fungicide

Some lawns are susceptible to fungus issues, so applying fungicides after the appearance of the disease and continuing the application will help prevent the spread of fungus on your lawn. 

Targeted Fungicide

Applications include treatments for the specific fungus that is already present in your lawn. Each fungus treatment is tailored to the type of disease and turf type. We treat the entire turf.

Trained Technicians

You can expect a professional, friendly technician who knows what he's doing. Our fungicide technicians are trained to know what each fungus looks like and how to treat the disease. 

Healthy Lawn Promise

Our technicians do the job right, and we have a 100% satisfaction guarantee. Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns about your lawn fungus treatment. 


Preventive Treatment Saves Grass

Keep in mind that although targeted fungicides will kill the fungus that is currently active in your lawn, they will not bring back grass that has already died due to fungus. Applying fungicides is essential to the reduction of the spread of the disease throughout the lawn and less turf loss.


The picture to the left is Large Spot Fungus (courtesy of LSU Ag Center). Primarily found on warm-season turf, like Bermuda.
lawn fungus top turf 2

No Hidden Fees... No Down Payment!

What Our Fungicide Customers Think ...

⭐️⭐️⭐️Over 4,000 REVIEWS ⭐️⭐️⭐️

Google Verifed Reviews Logo
Alex did a good job with the spraying job of fungicide for my lawn. He was very careful not to spray my vegetable garden.
Joseph L.
Fungicide Customer
Google Verifed Reviews Logo
I had my yard application of a fungicide and fertilizer. The technician did an excellent job. He was very careful with the application.
Diana N.
Fungicide Customer
Google Verifed Reviews Logo
Alex did a great job and was fast, efficient, and extremely courteous. He did the first treatment of insecticide/ fungicide.
Andrea S.
Fungicide Customer



No more fungus to worry about

  • With fungus out of mind, you have more time to enjoy with your family, friends, and pets
  • No worries about the weather causing issues for your lawn
  • Live life to the fullest with your people
  • Let the good times roll!

Ready to start service?
